2019 年 12 月,大多数人都没有注意到,加拿大发生了一次可能具有历史意义的飞行。世界上第一架全电动商用客机从温哥华起飞。愤世嫉俗的人可能会指出,它只有 6 名乘客,只飞行了 15 分钟,但在其电源无声的声音中,可以清楚地听到莱特兄弟或古斯塔夫·怀特黑德的回声。
这一事件是否预示着航空新时代的开始?自从那些“飞行机器中的伟人”在 1900 年代初首次飞上天空以来,一种将解决由碳基航空燃料产生的二氧化碳排放问题的方法?
magniX 的所有者 Roei Ganzarski 设计了这架飞机并与 Harbour Air 合作进行了加拿大首航,他说:“这标志着电动航空时代的开始。”他计划以每年购买 500 英里以下航班机票的 200 万人为目标。与此同时,总部位于以色列的 Eviation 开发了一种名为 Alice 的全电动客机,由电池供电,并将推进力的新设计理念集成到机身中。
Aviation is one of the fastest-growing sources of carbon emissions and environmental activists such as Greta Thunberg have brought this issue to the fore. Aviation currently contributes 2-3% of global CO₂ emissions [1] and industry body, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), has encouraged the use of more efficient biofuel engines, lighter aircraft materials and route optimisation. Electric motors have the benefit of improved fuel efficiency and less upkeep; however, an aircraft can only fly an estimated 160 km on a lithium battery. It’s a positive step for the industry that this technology is being developed to power longer flights and to facilitate cheaper and less environmentally damaging short-haul flights.
Allport Cargo Services 热切关注并支持航空航天公司联手应对温室气体排放所取得的进展。罗尔斯·罗伊斯、空客和西门子正在开发一种带有 E-Fan X 计划的混合动力飞机,该飞机将在 BAE 146 喷气式飞机上安装电动机,并计划于 2021 年飞行。然而,在电动之前还有一段路要走飞行对 80% 的航空业排放产生影响,这些排放来自超过 1,500 公里的客运航班。
英国是第一个接受到 2050 年净零碳排放目标的 G7 国家。这对航空旅行业务将是一个巨大的挑战,2019 年售出 43 亿张机票,预计到 2037 年将售出 80 亿张 [2]. 为了解决这个问题,英国气候顾问的一项提案建议航空公司乘客缴纳税款以资助植树,这与联合国支持的国际航空碳抵消和减排计划 (CORSIA) 一起 [3], 全球航空业的减排方法。
目前,重点是较小的电动飞机。技术进步不会很快影响跨大陆航空货运或长途航班所需的大型飞机;能量存储是一个过多的限制因素。传统航空燃料每公斤所含能量比目前最先进的锂离子电池高 30 倍 [4]. 虽然传统飞机会随着燃料的消耗而变得更轻,但电动飞机在整个飞行过程中携带的电池重量相同。太阳能飞机近年来也得到了覆盖,首飞环球飞行 40,000 公里 [5] 2016 年没有燃料,但这也不是商业飞行的选择。
The idea of the ‘blended-wing-body’ [6], which integrates propulsors into the airframe in a more aerodynamic design is being researched, however neither of the world’s two main aircraft manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus, are actively pursuing this technology – the change is just too big to be commercially viable.
IATA 估计,每一代新一代飞机的燃油效率平均比它所取代的型号高 20%,未来十年航空公司将在新飞机上投资 $1.3 万亿美元。由于电动飞机的安全性和可靠性尚未得到证实,这些显然是长期解决方案。
空运(空运货物)是 Allport Cargo Services 的核心服务。虽然增长放缓 [7] 近年来,国际航空运输协会 (IATA) 表示,2020 年全球空运货物价值仍有望超过 $7.1 万亿——即 5200 万吨货物。这约占 9% [8] 的航空公司收入,预计到 2030 年平均每年增加 3% [9].
航空货运的一个主要增长领域是跨境/全球电子商务,在过去 15 年中同比增长 20% [10]. 新兴市场货运服务的扩张、技术的发展、行业的数字化以及航空燃料成本的下降也加速了这种增长。
Allport Cargo Services 拥有大量业务的市场在未来十年的增长速度将超过世界平均年度航空货运增长速度,例如中国国内、东亚内部、东亚-北美和欧洲-东亚。全球最大的航空货运流量在东亚和美国之间。 [11]
For the supply chain industry, working with retail and fashion clients, there are many environmental issues to address and the industry must adapt quickly and form strategic partnerships. Customers are already starting to vote with their feet. Increased price pressure, global trade tensions, increasing industry regulation and the demand to speed-up movement across the globe all needs to be balanced with environmentally sustainable business practices. Freight forwarders need to change their thinking and implement new business models that address the issues of rising CO2 emissions. A digital approach to air cargo services is required to ensure a more environmentally friendly and cost-efficient supply chain and is at the heart of our Technology-enabled Supply Chain®.
Allport Cargo Services – 减少我们的碳足迹
Allport Cargo Services 正在努力实现二氧化碳排放量的绝对减少,并作为我们环境、社会和治理战略的一部分,“做好事做好事”,同时减少我们客户的“同类”排放量,这是我们定义成功对我们意味着什么的核心。
We’re implementing a range of initiatives, including: using electric vehicles for urban deliveries and developing comprehensive CO2 tracking for our customers and our own business. Our award winning packaging optimisation product PACD is physically reducing CO2 air, road & sea miles through increased density of product shipped. There is also our highly developed EcoAir product – a blend of ocean and air freight legs that leads to a direct reduction in CO2 emissions over direct air freight and a mainstay of our air freight offer, especially in the fashion and retail industries. We are also extending our already significant use of rail as a modal shift strategy to reduce CO2 emissions.
[2] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-4863065
[3] https://www.carbonbrief.org/corsia-un-plan-to-offset-growth-in-aviation-emissions-after-2020
[8] https://www.iata.org/en/programs/cargo/
[11] https://www.statista.com/statistics/564668/worldwide-air-cargo-traffic/